Free resume template for students

CV is one of the important and essential components in the job interview process that any employer requires candidates to have. But today’s society is developing, so employers have stricter requirements for resumes. Meanwhile, the students with the reason for wanting to add skills and work experience were extremely active in looking for part-time jobs or internship positions at companies and enterprises. However, students often do not have much work experience, as well as job application experience. Therefore, difficulties in CV writing are inevitable. In the article below, we will show you how to write a complete CV and share the latest, free student CV templates.

I. Basic information about CV for students

1. What is a CV?

CV is a common type of resume. This term has the full English name “Curriculum Vitae”. In essence, a CV is a document that summarizes a candidate’s personal information when applying for a job. Thereby, the recruiter will consider and select the most suitable person. Evaluation criteria include: career goals, work experience, skills, education, …

2. Basic layout of a CV

The layout of your CV is the first thing employers notice. Therefore, you must cross out the ideas clearly and completely, arrange them logically to impress the recruiters.

The layout of your CV includes the following information in turn:

  • Personal information
  • Communications
  • Career goals
  • Education and certifications
  • Experience
  • Skills

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II. How to write a CV for a student job

1. Personal information & contact information

In the personal information section, you should write all information related to yourself. Include: Full name, date of birth, current address, mobile phone number, email address, social network accounts. Thanks to this information, employers can contact you easily. Therefore, in this part of information, you should write it fully and clearly, and avoid rambling too much!

2. Career goals

One of the important contents of a complete CV is the career objective section. Most students don’t have much work experience yet, so take advantage of this career objective section to show your future direction of the career you are pursuing.

You can divide your goal into two parts:

  • Short-term goal: Working time from 6 months – 1 year. Mainly expressed the desire to gain experience and improve skills through work.
  • Long-term goal: Working time over 1 year. Focus on talking about the promotion path, future development plans.

3. Educational qualifications and certificates, awards

This information will help recruiters make a more objective assessment of the candidate. However, today, the degree is no longer so important, but it is still a factor for employers to select the most suitable people.

  • You should arrange your education from the highest level currently (don’t include elementary schools, middle schools. If your high school is quite prominent, you can add it).
  • Your good academic record, certificates, awards can also be written to score points with employers.

4. Experience

Usually students do not have too much work experience. However, if you have worked part-time jobs or any industry related to your current job and that job has helped you learn. What to add to help your CV easily get noticed.

5. Skills

When they know you are a student, employers are usually not too strict about your professional skills. But soft skills, hard skills suitable for your working environment and industry are essential for employers to see your potential. help you increase your odds of getting hired. So you can research and choose the right skills for your job and career.

An example of how to choose skills: If you want to apply to the Marketing department, you need to have the right skills such as: communication skills, foreign language skills or teamwork, …

6. References

This is an item that needs to be included in your CV to be able to claim it. The information given above is absolutely correct. References can be university lecturers, former managers, your former colleagues. In this section, you need to state the basic information of the reference such as: full name, workplace, contact information.

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III. Common mistakes when writing CV

1. Spelling error

Spelling errors are one of the common mistakes that keep your CV from being appreciated. In addition, mistakes in syntax, grammar or format of letters. That is not only unsightly, but also leaves a bad impression on the employer, who will judge you as a careless person. So pay attention to carefully reviewing your CV to be complete!

2. Incorrect layout

It is very important that you present the content in the correct order. Sections must be logically written and linked together, items should not be unreasonably inverted. ThechPerfection in presenting a clear and coherent layout will create sympathy with employers and help you increase your odds of being hired.

3. Fake information

You should not present information that is false to reality. If you present information that is too rambling, untrue or too self-aggrandizing, it will make employers consider you as dishonest and unreliable. So make sure the information you give is correct.

IV. Latest, free and latest CV templates for students

Based on the above information, we’ve shown you how to write a complete CV and avoid mistakes when writing to score with employers. As an inexperienced student, you may have difficulties in writing a CV, we can help you through the following complete and well-organized CV templates.

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